Breathe Better
1-day Workshop: Breath Better, Live Longer
Live a life protected from stress and ill-health
Life Force or Prana is that which enlivens our bodies – without it, we become diseased and die. Although prana is not in chemical or physical form, it can be absorbed, stored and converted into forms that heal and power the physical body.
The Yogis of India have developed and taught powerful, simple and beneficial practices which enable the control and expansion of the life-force in the breath, to rejuvenate the body and transform our emotional, mental and spiritual being.In this workshop, you will learn advanced techniques to safely and gradually increase the body’s capacity to absorb life-force, by first purifying the energy and physical bodies. Then the energy channels are cleansed and expanded to enable the passage of larger amounts of life-force. Then the keys to absorb, store, transform and distribute prana are revealed. A forty-five minute life-enhancing and integrated practice is provided for student to utilize the principles and techniques from the workshop.
For schedule, registration or additional questions:
email: workshops@rudrashivananda.com
phone: 1-877-426-7259
or write to Alight, PO Box 930, Union City, CA 94587
Learn About:
Rudra Shivananda |
Chakra selfHealing |
Emotional Integration |
Shakti Healing |
Kundalini Kriya Yoga |
Hamsa Yoga
Please email for additional information at: workshops@rudrashivananda.com