Kriya Yoga
Self Realization and Higher Consciousness Kriya Yoga
1st level & 2nd level : 2-day workshops
3rd level: 9-day workshop
The fastest path to Self-Realization in one life-time given to householders by the Immortal Babaji, the same mentioned by Paramahansa Yogananda in his "Autobiography of a Yogi." It is the science of uniting breath and mind control to achieve bliss, truth and being.

Kriya Yoga is a scientific art of perfect God Truth Union. It was revived in modern times, for the sake of all humanity, by a great Master of India, called Mahavatar Babaji or Shiva-Goraksha-Babaji. Kriya Yoga is a synthesis of the teachings of the ancient Naths and Siddhas with the blessings of Immortal Babaji. The lineage of Kriya Yoga has descended to us from Lahiri Mahasaya through to many Kriya Yoga saints and sages including Shri Yukteswar, Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Satyananda Giri. My Satguru Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath is from the same lineage and is my Kriya Master.
The goal of life is happiness peace, love and enlightenment. The desire for perfection comes from the Self, the image of the Divine which seeks to express itself through all humanity. The thirst for ultimate happiness can only be satisfied by the bliss of superconsciousness which can only arise from the natural unfoldment of spiritual evolution. Kriya Yoga is not a religion. It is not gymnastics. It is a systematic science of speeding up one’s spiritual evolution so as to achieve the consciousness that humanity would have in a million years in one lifetime.
It is a 5-fold integrated system consisting of tried and true techniques proven to work by generations of successful practitioners.The techniques work on multiple levels. In this workshop you will learn postures for greater health, relaxation and higher energy levels; a series of breathing techniques for awakening and circulating the hidden potential energy called Kundalini, together with meditations for cleansing the subconscious mind from karmic patterns so as to realize the True Self and Absolute Reality. A relatively short by extremely powerful sadhana or daily practice is given for rapid progress.
The initiation into 1st level Kriya Yoga is given at week-end workshops. The techniques learned include the physical asanas for postural integration and healing, the powerful kundalini kriya pranayama called Shiva-Shakti, as well as meditation techniques. In the 2nd level, one learns to integrate additional pranic and meditation techniques into one's daily life to achieve harmony and balance. The powerful practice of mantras or power sounds are also introduced in the 2nd level. The workshops begin at 9am and end around 5pm each day.
For schedule, registration or additional questions:
See Rudra Shivananda's Workshop Schedule
email: workshops@rudrashivananda.com
phone: 1-877-426-7259
Learn About:
Rudra Shivananda |
Chakra selfHealing |
Emotional Integration |
Shakti Healing |
Kundalini Kriya Yoga |
Hamsa Yoga
Please email for additional information at: workshops@rudrashivananda.com
© 2010 Rudra Shivananda